

Been slacking...for, well, quite a long time it would seem. Things are going really well, working a lot and we have some big plan changes coming. We will see how everything pans out but I'm excited and extremely hopeful. I'll try posting more stuff a bit later.


the metronome swings on

In just over 2 weeks we are leaving Vermont. It's a journey, I have yet to find a job, but we have savings that should hold us for a while. It's funny that I'm moving "home" but it still feels like such an adventure. I know the opportunity is there for me to make myself something useful. Erin would tell me I'm a great husband so that I am useful....but I don't feel that way. I once had aspirations of being a scientist, a photographer, a family man. So far I've gained the latter, and it may be the most important, however I feel like a deadbeat. I grew up expecting a lot of myself and I can't say that's changed. I want to be successful in a career, not just a man living from paycheck to paycheck.
This past year and a half has been the most important thing in my life, I've married the woman I fell in love with so rapidly and I know for sure I have a family and a future in that. But I feel that I've outgrown this rural country. It's gorgeous, quiet, calming, and rich. But jobs aren't here, a career isn't here, security isn't here. I just pray that she won't resent me someday for it.
I know this move is important for our well-being and future. That's what I believe.


counting the days

(I've been slacking on posting photos, so here's one)

As I'm sitting at a dead country store I've had some sort of an epiphany. While flies circle me, occassionally buzzing by my ear, I can't help but feel that it's too quiet. I need commotion, chaos; something to keep me on my toes. It's beautiful and serene here but for some reason it's just too much and not enough at the same time.
In 26 days my wife, Erin, and I are leaving Vermont. Warm weather, sunny beaches, and disneyland await us there. I'm stoked.


technicolor what?

So two more days and we'll be in Florida! I'm so excited it's hard to even express! Today was a lot of fun, we spent most of the day with Erin's parents. They always make the best food! And of course there were brownies. Erin looked at old photos with her mom while her dad read and I tried to get a hang of the game Go on my iphone....it's hard and frustrating. I'm excited for tomorrow cause we are going over to Erin's parents for breakfast and I really just love spending time over with them. ok well it's time to rest my mind. out.



So after a while away from the world of my photography, I would consider myself breaking back into it all. I also figured this image will make up for not posting one yesterday. I take full responsibility for my laziness. This photo of the bixby canyon bridge was taken back in april on my honeymoon. so please, enjoy!

It's really tiny on here so if you want to see it better check it out on my flickr


Keeping aloft

I took this picture a few weeks ago on whim when I saw this in the sunset. It's the only state that I can recall ever seeing hot air balloons and it still seems to fascinate me. There is just something cool about the whole scene. On another note some kid just handed me, literally, a wad of money. There are few things that really grate on my nerves but that is definatley one of them. Do me a favor and straighten out your money. I don't like having to feel like I'm doing one of those metal puzzles in order to get your money in a drawer. haha anyways he's lucky I'm in a good mood ^_^
1 week from today I'll be in florida!



There are times that I really miss being with my friends in Cali. I think a lot has to do with the fact they were an inspiration to me to pic up that camera and shoot. Kyle and Justin helped feed my creativity, I always looked up to them for their photography. Kyle just always had a knack for pulling amazing shots out of his butt haha. And Justin, well Justin is Justin. He always never ceased to put me in awe. It's been awhile since I've felt inspired to take photos and I'm starting to really feel like it's something I need to do again. I've decided that my 20D will be accompanying Erin and I to Florida. Here's to looking forward to lots of great photos and opportunities!