
Keeping aloft

I took this picture a few weeks ago on whim when I saw this in the sunset. It's the only state that I can recall ever seeing hot air balloons and it still seems to fascinate me. There is just something cool about the whole scene. On another note some kid just handed me, literally, a wad of money. There are few things that really grate on my nerves but that is definatley one of them. Do me a favor and straighten out your money. I don't like having to feel like I'm doing one of those metal puzzles in order to get your money in a drawer. haha anyways he's lucky I'm in a good mood ^_^
1 week from today I'll be in florida!


  1. can't you just tell that kid that he was a buck short and then pocket the extra dollar? he he he

  2. lol i shoulda, i usually take my sweet time when people hand me that crap and I slowly straighten the bills out. its fun when they are in a hurry hehehe >;-)
