nothing? Probably, I've been pretty busy and preoccupied with everything else in my life. I got married just over 2 months ago now and I have to say it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Our trip to California was nothing short of awesome and amazing. Hanging out with Justin, Kyle, and Ada was more fun than I could've ever hoped it would have been. To this day I still think of our trip and wish we could just go back....mmmmm Genki Living anyone? mmmmm @_@
On the subject of Japanese, Erin showed me t
his awesome app on the iphone called Human Japanese. If you've ever wanted to dive into the world of the Japanese language I would suggest looking that up. At least now I can pronounce stuff properly..well at least a lot closer than my americanized slaughtering of a language.
annnnnnyway, yesterday Erin and I took a little trip down to southern Vermont to visit Manchester, VT and we "browsed" the designer outlets we stumbled upon on the internet. In an attempt to try to put some of my old days to work I took a picture. Yup that's right, I took a picture @_@

I will probably do a little more work on it to hone it but I happen to like it.
Today was father's day and we spent it over at the in-laws house playing with chickens and eating lemon pound cake. If you are saying "mmm lemon pound cake" then good cause you should be it was delicious.
So that's pretty much it for now, I'll try to update more often and stop slacking haha. I know Erin would love it if I started blogging more. So on that note I leave you with an image that I call "Chicken Dance", cut and print.
YAY!!! I love it!! he he he!! I love you more honey!! The little chicks are super cute... well, in the picture they are! he he he!